How Does the Law of Attraction Works?

Learn about the Law of Attraction and how it relates to your unconscious mind. When you’ve rejected a negative thought or emotion, follow up with this guided meditation to “attract” the positive.
How great would it be if you could call in your soul mate, the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with? Or become wildly successful and financially abundant? What if you could create anything you want and live a purpose-based life of happiness, joy, and total fulfillment? Learning how to manifest what your heart truly desires is something you’d love to master, right? The 2006 documentary The Secret inspired many to start thinking in new ways; did you hope that you, too, could manifest your dreams?

How Does the Law of Attraction Works
How Does the Law of Attraction Works

What The Secret didn’t share is that activating the Law of Attraction requires more than inherent desire, an active imagination, and creating a vision board. Positive affirmations don’t work as a standalone. Meaning, a person who is broke isn’t going to manifest his or her rent by sitting around thinking positive thoughts alone. A person who is struggling with a health challenge may not overcome that challenge through positive thoughts by itself.

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If manifesting your dream life only required having positive thoughts, then this conversation would be irrelevant. If it were as simple as staying positive, you would have figured it out long ago. This goes much deeper than the surface level conscious mind thinking you’re well-acquainted with. The Law of Attraction is activated based on what’s occurring in the depths of your unconscious mind.

How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

There are several components that all work together to activate the Law of Attraction, and a basic understanding of how it all works will aid you in manifesting your dreams.

Why is it that you attract people, situations, and scenarios that you don’t want? There are a series of recurring themes and patterns that show up in your life. When you see something happening again and again and again, it’s time to redirect your attention and begin to look inside.

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Your Conscious Mind

Think of your conscious mind—your “thinking” mind—as the captain of the ship. When the conscious mind tells you to go in a certain direction and your ship slams into the rocks, it means the ship’s crew is going against the captain’s orders. It means there is an incongruence between what the captain is directing and what the crew are doing.

Your Unconscious Mind

The Law of Attraction operates based on your unconscious mind. This means that whatever you’ve got going on inside will determine the things that are brought to you on the outside. The goal is to recognize recurring patterns as quickly as possible, so you can reconcile internal issues and get your ship sailing smoothly again. You see the signs and oftentimes you consciously choose to ignore them. The more you ignore the signs, the stronger they become, though. A big part of cleaning up what you’re attracting externally is to become aware of what you have going on internally.

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Understand Your Reality

Since the Law of Attraction is about what you’re creating in your reality, let’s talk about the concept of reality for a moment. Reality is a perception. It’s an interpretation. What one person believes to be real may not be the case for another person. Of course, there are some universal truths that can be agreed upon.

Math says that 1 + 2 = 2. If you talk with one person who loves math and another who hates math, they’ll each have a different perception of math. One person believes math is intriguing and fun, while the other may have a belief that math is terribly frustrating. So, how you perceive and interpret your reality will also have an effect on what you are attracting in your life.

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Understand Your Beliefs and Interpretations

It’s important to understand that your beliefs and interpretations also contribute to what you create in your reality because this is the premise of how the Law of Attraction works. Essentially, like attracts like.

If you are an angry person, you will attract other angry people to sit around and talk about the messed-up world. You’ll attract scenarios that perpetuate your anger. If you’re a fearful person, you will likely attract other people who share your fears as well as situations that prove the world isn’t a safe place. If you have a belief that people cannot be trusted, you’ll attract events in your life that demonstrate all the myriad ways in which people are untrustworthy.

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