Fast Manifestation Techniques

Do you want the real manifesting secrets? Do you really want to learn how to speed up manifestation like a rocket? I am sure you want to because you want to change in your life, isn’t it? You don’t want to live the same old life anymore. You want the key to instant manifestation.
Fast Manifestation Techniques
Fast Manifestation Techniques

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Here are 7 fastest manifestation techniques -
  • Empty your mind
  • Get clear on your goals
  • Use the power focus
  • Mantra meditation
  • Use affirmations (must do the first step)
  • Power of imagination (must do the 1st & 2nd step)
  • Be thankful

1. Empty your mind

Mindfulness is powerSilence your mind. I already told you the importance of switching off the conscious mind, without it, you will not be able to reach your subconscious.

The problem with our conscious mind is that it’s damn busy all the time, it’s being ravaged from morning to night, even at times in the night we don’t sleep.

If I bring an analogy for better understanding,

It’s like a stormy ocean…

And you are trying to fish in that stormy ocean, you will never be successful. But it’s easier when the ocean is calm, isn’t it?

So, it’s not possible to access our subconscious, when there is a storm above at the conscious level, you will be lost in the storm. If the conscious is calm, then you can easily swim into your subconscious.

That’s why positive affirmations, creative visualization although effective tools, do not work for 99% of the people, they just don’t reach where they need to.

You may water the plant, but the water needs to reach the root of it, otherwise, it will just wither away in front of your eyes.

So, you must silence that conscious chatter of your mind if you want to reach out to your subconscious mind.

You must empty your conscious mind!

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How do we empty our minds?

Mindfulness is a wonderful tool, but the most incredible and deeper effect can be generated by practicing meditation.

To me, meditation is the ultimate and the most powerful tool which can easily achieve this objective in a week and an efficient teacher can initiate this in no time in your life.

Just 3 weeks of practicing meditation in the right manner, can bring significant changes in your life.

Meditation has a deep healing impact on your brain, it instantly removes all worries, anxieties, pain, trauma and all other negative thoughts from your mind and brings you back to the present.

This is the only method by which you can open the door to your subconscious and then use the power of positive affirmations and creative visualization to re-wire your brain with new thought patterns.

My suggestion would be to read this eye-opening article on the best meditation courses online, here you will find 2 of the most powerful & well-designed courses which transform your life completely. You are free to go to any meditation class, but as per my understanding, these 2 are the best of the best.

You will thank me later for this, I know.

My personal recommendation would be this one here, this is from Ziva meditation, a very powerful course designed with the power of 3 Ms, namely Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation.

Emily first initiates mindfulness in you, then she takes you slowly to deep meditation and then she teaches how any goal can be achieved effortlessly.

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2. Get clear on your goals

The second most important step for you to figure out your life’s purpose and goals. Would you be able to achieve anything without a goal?

No. it’s never possible.

Having a goal is like having a direction. without a direction, you do not know where to really go. Lifeworks wonderfully well when you have a destination to reach.

When you leave home for an office, you know that’s my direction. How much ever obstacles you face on the way, you will figure out a way to reach there…

Every time you decide something, it’s your goal for that moment. Similarly, you need to have an overall goal for your life, the ultimate goal that you think you must achieve to feel content & happy in life.

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What is that goal?

It can be anything…

You might want to become an extremely successful employee, or a software programmer, a painter, an artist…

or you want to become an extremely wealthy person…

whatever it is, you need to figure out what that is…

Having a clear goal is equivalent to having it already manifested by 50%.

How to figure out life’s purpose or goal?

Plan your life goals with the most advanced goal planner, accelerate your manifestation process with this scientific planner.

Ask yourself…

Who you are? What gives you happiness or joy? Make a list of them…

Then, go through each of them one by one and see which ones are viable, is it sustainable? How can I make it big, can I at the same time turn my passion into a profitable business?

What is the next great option if not this one?

Take a good amount of time to figure out this one. Then chuck this one goal into multiple smaller pieces and set timelines for each one.

And, take slow and steady action to reach each small objective. In no time, you will see things started moving at a great speed.

Note that, only an ideal mind can clearly set goals and achieve them. An ideal mind is the type of mind which functions beyond ego & emotions, which is always present at this moment, no distraction, focused only on the task at hand and can think far.

Again, you got to embrace the practice of meditation, there is no other tool or technique in this entire world which can achieve that ideal state of mind.

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3. Use the power of focus

Without a doubt, this is the most powerful force behind any manifestation in your life. Sadly, I see no one is talking about this one. Even in the business world, people talk about business principles and strategies, etc. but no one talks about this powerful feature of our life.

This is the same elsewhere, how many artists or writers you heard talking about the power of focus, even the so-called law of attraction gurus are not talking about this potent tool either.

This is the most ignored topic.

How fast you manifest is directly related to how powerful your focus is. Focus has tremendous energy, it can achieve almost anything, it does not matter how arduous and challenging it is.

There is something called single-minded focus, its like concentrated energy, which is directed to one point, one goal and nothing else at one specific moment.

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4. Mantra Meditation

Have you heard of mantras earlier? Mantras are words/ pure vibrations /sounds that are repeated number of times continuously with a single-minded focus.

Man means mind and Tra means tool, meaning mantra is the tool to access your mind. Mantras originated in Ancient India, the power of mantras are just amazing due to multiple reasons.

There are different types of mantras targeted to yield specific results. Every mantra has a specific intention associated with it. When you repeat that mantra again and again with focus, that intention gets repeated subconsciously.

5. Use affirmations (Must do the first step)

Once you have performed all the above methods, you will be able to access your subconscious at your will, then use the positive affirmations to reap quick results.

Because your subconscious is damn receptive at this moment (you have a child-like mind at this moment), anything spoken or heard will get into your subconscious quickly.

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6. Power of imagination (must do the 1st & 2nd step)

This is nothing but creative visualization. Use this technique frequently to take a journey into the world of imagination where you have achieved everything. This is an effective method once you have performed all the above steps.

7. Be thankful

Gratitude is a powerful tool, it heals your brain, removes anxiety and fills you with contentment and joy.

These are extremely powerful positive sentiments if you stay in this positive zone all the time, your subconscious will slowly make that as part of its program, that means a new belief system in your subconscious.

Remember your mind is extremely powerful and it has a special pattern matching ability. It always looks for the same pattern that you subconsciously desire.

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